I never showed the entire #playroommakeover and I have never talked about how I lost my career… my social media presence terrifies the corporate world! It was definitely very hard to come to terms with the fact that the career I dedicated so much time and energy into was gone. I am also incredibly proud and thankful that my own thoughts and creativity opened up a new and much more rewarding career path. I wouldn’t change a thing and I don’t give myself enough credit for how amazing I have done just being myself nd sharing my passion with you. Thank you again for being here! #DIY #diyhomedecor #homedecor #renterfriendly #homeideas #budgetfriendly #homeimprovement
I am not going to ever hide a bad peel and stick removal… the world of #renterfriendly #DIY and #peelandstick can honestly be sketchy. I only found that out after I started doing it and discovered the hard way that I was getting fluffed up information… no not everthing is amazing, fantastic, and just because it’s peel and stick doesn’t make it renter friendly. I have always found it incredibly important to show the bad stuff so when you see any of my good recommendations you know I am being honest. All of it is getting tested in my home + I use my own money to give honest opinions! #homedecor #homeideas #homeimprovement
I was told over and over again to keep my content relevant to my “niche” and through that process I feel like I have lost what Being The Blooms was supposed to be. It was supposed to be a place where I shared my home ideas/thoughts and my life. My everyday real life hasn’t been shown for a long time and slowly over time my spunky + fun personality has kinda disappeared. I really regret pulling back my lifestyle content so I am becoming Being the Blooms again… Where we do home projects, buy stuff to review, bring you into daily life, mom hacks, and so much more fun stuff. I really miss being fun and I can’t wait to open up again! #DIY #homedecor #homeideas #momhacks #homeinspiration #homediy #beingtheblooms
I am absolutely shocked I kept this rug as long as I did… I didn’t like it since the day I put it down but I spent so much on it that I felt like I needed to keep it. I am extremely excited to see this thing gone! I have officially tried all of the big name washable rugs and can confidently say I will be a traditional rug girl from this day forward! Why!? 1. You can coat these rugs with stain guard yourself (my favorite brand is Protect Me) 2. You can vacuum them!!! I mean really vacuum them. 3. They are plush and will always look more expensive than a printed #arearugs #livingroomdecor #budgetfriendly #homedecor #homeideas
Let’s make a salad while I share a little bit of my story… I haven’t really talked about this much, but my experience is really the foundation of this page. My knowledge around #DIY #interiordesign is not actually random and when I talk about something being #renterfriendly #homedecor there is a knowledge base there since I worked in property management for landlords. There is a lot of passion and understanding built into this page!! As mentioned, I am going to open up more about my life for you all to get to know me better. I hope you enjoyed learning more about my background today!
In the Bloom house we do the “hide the junk #organization method”… all my furniture pieces pretty much have hidden storage. I absolutely take pride in hiding our junk since I have never lived in a house that has good storage. I have always had to figure out ways to hide things strategically. I gave up on complex organization systems years ago with my kids… they know what basket or storage areas purpose is but it never fails they will just throw the stuff in there when picking up. I really don’t care anymore because it’s picked up and put in the right spot to find later. It works for us!! Remember… if anyone wants to give you crap about using the “hide the junk” method in your home tell them I said it was perfectly acceptable! #homedecor #organizationhacks #momhacks #homeideas #beingtheblooms
I don’t know if you know this… but my #peelandstickwallpaper collection is made by a small Arizona based company. When I decided to finally create my own wallpaper collection the first company I went to was Wall Blush. They have an amazing product, but it was also important to me that I support a small local business. This team has become my friends who I adore! #renterfriendly #DIY #homedecor #SmallBusiness
Say goodbye to the space themed bedroom… and maybe TikTok. Today I started taking everything out of this room. The plan is to turn this into a moody (but bright) whimsical #bedroommakeover The one thing you should take away from this post today is that good #renterfriendly #peelandstickwallpaper saves your paint and your time. I used cheap contact paper to do the accent around the door and it peeled a ton of paint. I now have to fix that wall and paint! I will see you tomorrow with an empty room so we can put up the new wallpaper! #budgetfriendly #homedecor #homeideas #eclecticdecor