Deep in The East Texas Woods lies a Forgotten Cemetery where the pioneers are buried. It doesn’t exist on any map but the Spirits of its intense pass still linger. As a Psychic Medium I love connecting with these ppl to get a window on what their life was like. They do not hang out there rather they come when you call and connect. This is the ONLY place in the world that They still Exist! I have come to love the spirits I’ve met here from John to Rosa and now Ada the 5 yr old little girl who lost her life due to a stomach flu. Each time I go into this cemetery it’s like meeting old friends and stepping back in time deep in the East Texas Woods. #psychic #fyp #ghostmode #death #history #texas
These moments rewired my brain as a professional Psychic Medium. They made me understand that we do not go anywhere. We stay with our family both here and on the other side. We have forgivness, we see things for what they truly were and are and we stay with you and show up when we have struggles. They never leave your side you just have to learn how to understand the languge and to know the signs. Love is the key to connecting with spirits and our loved ones. #live #rewireyourbrain #psychic #story #fyp #emotional
What Else is Buried in @Katie Santry back yard?? Psychic Medium and Katie start the investigation into what and who is haunting her home and who could be buried on ber property. Stay tuned for this mukti part series as we finally figure out if there is more buried than just a rug…. #haunted #ohio #rug #psychic
#moviequotes #warrior #spirituality #psychic remember we are all here for a reason. You are amazing and your journey can be tough but its all a lesson. #fyp
Is the rug Haunted or the Land? Im with @Katie Santry home to investigate her property and figure out who or what is haunting her home and land? This is Part of of many! Leave a comment so tic tok will bring you back . What do you think is haunting her property? #haunted #rugtiktok #haunted #house #ohio #texas
1000% REAL SPIRIT Communication! My client brought ber daughter home after she has passed just like we did 100 yrs ago. She honored her and got to say see you later at THEIR pace! Her daughter was able to come theough and speak two EVP events into my microphone. I did not hear them at the time but i felt them while channeling. It was so amazing! Her loving daughger is right there beside her not lost or stuck! Normalize at home memorials if we did i think passing would be less scary and we would be able to greive as a family on our own time! Aquamtion is a new way to not only preserve our loved ones but the environment did you knlw that a lot of your plants you but are being fertilized with someone elses grandpa? Remember to honor life and honor everything who knows the plant you let go in your window may have been grown from someone elses brother… love is the key to spirit communication we are all connected. Thank you for sharing your story! #spirituality #haunted #spirit #psychic #medium #afterlife #mom #daughter
What were Our Mommys Last Moments like? This is my most gur wrenching session in the last 6 months for me as a psychic medium. Their mother struggled with her long term illness and knew when it was time to throw in the towel. She walked me through her courageous last moments. I will never forget these women or their Mommy. Such an honkr to channel you all. Love is the key to connecting with the afterlife. #psychic #family #fyp #heaven #story
Does your Passed Loved one Visit you? How to know if they do. What are the signs? As a professional Psychic Medium this is how I can tell when my family who have crossed are with me. I just felt my Daddy so i had to make this video. Let me know in the comments if you have had this experience? Who was it? WhT was it like? #fyp #family #psychic #signs
These are juat a few of the amazimg stories i discover weekly. Channeling spirits and connectjng you with your loved ones is my passion. Every session is a new adventure full of love new beginning hope and faith. Remember at the end of our time all that is important is love and connection. I hope these session moments amaze you, bring you to tears, and give you hope knowing tbat we truly never disappear. We are forever. Thank you for allowimg me to continue to connect you with the other side. Remember love is the key to connecting. Also yes these are all real and you can see almost all of these sessions on my channel. #Love #storytime #psychic #spirituality #fyp ❤️❤️
The Truth about the GhostTube Spirit Box App…i tried this apo out for two weeks and it is nothing short of boring and predictable. Apps that are for spirits communication do not have word banks that yoy add to. They do not have creepy voices and they definitely dont have a paywall putside of just putchasing the app itself…The creator of this ghosttube app deoes have some other ones that a really good like VOX and Seer but as far as GhostTube its a flop and everyone who is using it is obky getting 10% spirit communication and 90% hot garbage. We need yo educate people on whar spirits are how they speak and how yo connect without fear. This is a subject im extremely passionate about because we can learn so mucch about ourselves and the other side if we take iy seriously and put fear aside… #greenscreen #ghosttube #spiritbox #learn #psychic #fyp
Psychic Medium Investigates Californias most haunted Bridge with None other that my Haunted Bestie @Kelsi Davies if you want to read the documented history of the Colorado Bridge in Pasadena #california . The ground has been the shock absorber for hundreds of souls that made one final decision to let go the most recent as of 2023…maybe 2024 but i couldnt find any report. Let me tell you it is haunted and the air is thick. Most of the episodes happened during the Great Depression back in 1920’s ismt it interesting how we are in a similar energy in 2024…. Love is the key to help these souls find their light. This bridge is 10/10 spookies i cant wait to investigate at night #history #psychic #haunted #fyp
Does he know who held him while he Crossed on the scene of his Motorcycle Accident? 1000% REAL SPIRiT COMMUNICATION! I had the honor of Channeling an amazing young man named Cullen who’s life was cut short due to a Motorcycle Cycle Accident that wasn’t his fault! He came through to give a connection of a life time!! I love talking to spirits and being a psychic medium! #motorcycles #accident #psychic #fyp #angel
Replying to @kaylaNryan Psychic Medium Explores Columbus Ohio’s oldest Most Haunted Cemetery and YES it actually is haunted! I wish i could come back here at night to just sit,feel, and connect. The stories I would get… wow. Remember never be afraid of spirits what ever you are feeling that is what you will attract. I always say go into any investigation hopeing to make a new friend.. this will keep your vibe high and eny negative spirits will just leave you alone. I love being a psychic Medium! Ohio i love yall thank you for having me! #ohio #columbus #cemetery #haunted #ghosts #spirit #history
Top 5 things that your loved ones on the otherside want you to know. To put you at ease this holiday season! I love being a professional psychic medium and over the years i have figured quite a few things out about the afterlife here are some that would benefit mankind greatly if they knew them! #psychic #facts #fyp #spirituality #learn
I have Goosebumps! This is wild yall! There is a spirit of a man with me who on tusday turned on my dishwasher and now woke me up with my TV turning on! This is 100% real spirit activity.. maybe it Aaron Carter… he knows im coming to see him #psychic #scary #haunted #house #netflix #fyp
Have you lost your spouse? Do you wonder if they see anything you are doing? Do they have any opinions? Are they even still with you? My clients daughter gave her Dad a session to connect with their late Mother/Wife and wow was it an amazing connection. Her soul was so bright and fun it even made her Husband go from a Skeptic with a believer. I love channeling your loved ones on the otherside. Remember they are always with you and yes they know exactly what is going on in your life! #fyp #wife #death #psychic #nyc
100% REAL Spirit Communication! My Clients lost their Son/Father of their kids to a Fent.. OD. He was so ready to have a session so that he could come clear the air. He shoed up hours before our session to go iver everything he wanted to speak about. Tyler is still an amazing soul who is now able to help his family and his daughter from the otherside with out the obstacle of addiction. ❤️❤️ Remember you are NEVER sayung good bye they are always with you. We just have to learn how to listen! I love being a professional psychic Medium and connecting you with your loved ones on the other side! #psychic #psychicmedium #mom #spirituality
Replying to @NeNe Yes Spirits do follow you home but you have to remember that they can see everything. So they would have been with me before hand and most likely guided me to that cemetery or haunted location so they could connect better. Most of us think of spirits as non thinking illogical entities but remember YOU are a spirit in a body. Everything happens for a reason there are no coincidences . Thank you for asking this question #fyp #storytime #death #accident #spirituality
Ive been channeling spirits since I was 5. Ever since then i have always wanted to know more i always wanted to know WHY? The more I ask WHY the more information I receive. Some days i ponder my existence and think does it even matter? Yes it does. You exisit to create and be no matter how long or short the stay. Here are a few things that i have come to know as true. If youd like me to do more lmk in the comments. life is an amazing thing. We all exist in our own universes and we hop into each ithers dreams. When we dream together we create. Everything is music EVERYTHING. Love is the best note in the world. We are all looking for it because we have been told we do not have it yet we forget that LOvE is what we actually are. We just need to become aware of it. ❤️ #fyp #psychic #facts #spiritual #LearnOnTikTok
If You are Going through Grief & Loss this Video is for you. If you have anxiety over what happened after life then this video is for you. It breaks my heart to see so many people suffering thinking that they truly have lost someone forever. As a psychic medium I give you my word that there is more than this and your loved ones that you have “lost” are not lost as all they are along for the ride with you 1000%! It’s okay to be sad we are all human right now but realize that what you think is loss forever is not that at all. Honey they are with you 1000% of the time! I don’t know who needs to hear this but it’s out here for a reason. Love never ends and neither do we. #psychic #fyp #life #loss #death