This morning was tough be sude why did babygirl refuse to nap all morning? She went from having a twenty minute wake window to just staying awake for three hours. These little ones are so unpredictable sometimes 😅
I’m grateful for every phase of motherhood but watching your baby grow is definitely bitter sweet. You’re excited to see them grow up but part of you wants them to be your baby forever 🥹
We had a dilemma because our baby was turning two but we are so anti germs because of our newborn that we had to really think about how we could make her feels special without getting exposed to too many people. We originally planned a drive by birthday, then a park day, then had to improvise inside the house because of the weather. Luckily babygirl felt special every step of the day and was able to have a germ controlled celebration lol. She had a GREAT birthday and was SO happy 😭. She told us she was “muy feliz” lol. Excuse the choppy edits - yall know we don’t have CapCut right now 😭
So far I’ve been using these to stay out of nap jail. I definitely recommend a carrier and somewhere to rest your baby down beside you while you do something for you. An opportunity to break free of the nap jail 🤭